Lawyers of Belarus: Independence and Cooperation
The initiative focuses on supporting Belarusian lawyers and their family members living both in Belarus and abroad, who are under constant pressure from the authorities.
is a unified center for supporting Belarusian lawyers and creating comfortable conditions for lawyers to maintain the level of professionalism, develop new skills, consolidating existing ones, as well as acquire legal knowledge necessary for integration into a new environment, acquire legal practice in EU countries with further application of experience and knowledge in Belarus.
Our goal:
To unite Belarusian lawyers in order to form an independent, Belarusian legal community through the realization of international values for their further implementation in the new legal system of Belarus.
  • Protecting Independence:
    We fight to preserve the independence of lawyers and resist all forms of pressure and interference to ensure fair and independent justice
  • Supporting Belarusian lawyers:
    We aim to support lawyers in Belarus who face threats and oppression, both at home and abroad
  • Creating a comfortable environment:
    We create a comfortable environment where lawyers can develop professionally, strengthen their skills, and gain the necessary knowledge to successfully integrate into their new environment
  • Relocation support:
    We provide support to lawyers and their families when relocating to another country, including legal advice, assistance with migration procedures and security
  • Social and Cultural Adjustment:
    We help lawyers adapt to their new social and cultural environment by providing advice and guidance on educational programs and language courses
  • Education and professional support:
    We organize trainings, seminars and webinars to expand legal knowledge, learn European legal systems and acquire the necessary skills for successful legal practice
  • Employment Assistance:
    We help Belarusian lawyers find employment in Poland and the European Union by providing counseling, information on job vacancies and job search support
  • International cooperation:
    We actively cooperate with international organizations, human rights groups and EU governmental organizations, developing professional ties and sharing experience
  • Promoting international standards:
    We strive to incorporate international values and standards into the legal system of Belarus, with the aim of creating an independent and fair legal community
  • Protecting the rights and interests of the public:
    We aim to protect the rights and legitimate interests of citizens by ensuring fairness and upholding faith in the legal system as the foundation of public welfare


  • Hashynski Anton

    from 2004 to 2021 worked as a lawyer in Belarus

    I defended in criminal and administrative cases Fedynich Gennady (trade union case), Sergei Olshevsky (Press Club case), Tatyana Kanevskaya, Yulia Slutskaya (Press Club case), Sergei Yakupov (Press Club case), anarchist Vyacheslav Kosinerov (Minsk Policeman statue case), Vital Rymasheuski (administrative cases on the protests, case of the Constitutional Court), Uladzimir Nyaklyayew, Olga Kovalkova (administrative cases), Denis Sadovsky (administrative cases on the protests), Vitaliy Shklyarov

    (Tsikhanovsky case), Yegor Dudnikov, Sofia Sapega, journalists Andrei Aliaksandrau (Belapan case), workers (Belta case), workers for tax evasion, PandaDoc, journalist Nalgiev Ismail (extradition to the Russian Federation), Vazhenkov Artyom (case of riots), 'tv-rain' journalists, Vladimir Neronsky (case of organizing unauthorized actions), Marina Ovsyannikova (deal with a poster in Russian TV) and others.

    My lawyer’s license was revoked in Belarus in 2021 for active human rights activities. As well as in 2021 the Ministry of Justice liquidated the 'Maslov, Gashinsky and Partners' law office.

  • Dr. Ales Michalevic

    Attorney; Member of the Czech Bar Association from 2019, and two professional associations: European Criminal Bar Association and the Defence Extradition Lawyer’s Forum (DELF)

    Lecturer of the course "The Law and Practice of Extradition”; Recipient of the John Humphrey Human Rights Award (Canada). Even during his academic years, he led a non-governmental organization dedicated to protecting the rights of Belarusian students. In subsequent years he worked as a legal consultant at the Belarusian Independent Trade Union and several NGOs. Since 2013, he has been heading his own law office.

    Dr. Michalevic's law office specializes in removal of personal information from INTERPOL search databases, providing legal assistance in extradition cases and implementing preventive measures for individuals facing persecution in the post-Soviet states: including public figures, political activists, journalists, etc. His extensive experience is underscored by numerous speeches at international events with reports on lawyer’s experience of interacting with INTERPOL and the specifics of extradition proceedings. Additionally, he is actively involved in developing of a legal framework for compensations for victims of repression of the Belarusian regime.

  • Ilona Ostrovskaya

    Lawyer, mediator in Poland

    Work experience: more than 20 years


    • intellectual property and copyright;
    • land law, construction, -investment activities;
    • corporate disputes;
    • debt collection;
    • business management;
    • customs law,
    • international road and air transportation;
    • labor disputes;
    • blockchain and cryptocurrency;
    • family disputes;
    • dispute settlement using mediation procedure.

    Knowledge of: Belarusian, Russian, Ukrainian, Polish legislation.

    Education: Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Belarus, qualification: lawyer

Lawyers of Belarus: Independence and Cooperation — Department of Ruch Belaruskay Salidarnasci
© 2023